Heat Pump Hot Water
Make savings appear out of thin air with a Midea heat pump from Chromagen.
Hot water is a basic household need and there are few things more soothing than relaxing in a warm shower or bath. There are however, few things more frustrating than running out of hot water just when you want it, but with a Midea heat pump, regardless of the weather, reliable hot water is always on tap.
Heat pumps utilise an ingenious technology to efficiently transfer thermal energy directly from the surrounding air and into the water, and so do not rely on direct sun or fossil fuels to provide an energy source.

Call or visit our showroom today...
Call us on (03) 6265 2359 to find out more about Heat Pump Hot Water systems or come into our showroom at Shop 2/33 Cole Street, Sorell, Tasmania.
The heat pump advantage:
- This is the 1st item
- This is the 2nd item
- Heat pumps produce significantly more heat energy than the power input, making them highly efficient water heaters
- Provide huge savings in running costs over an electric storage system
- Do not require roof top solar thermal collectors. For this reason heat pumps are ideal where solar water heaters are not viable
- The Midea heat pump is designed to provide fast and easy replacement of an existing electric storage hot water system
- Economical to purchase, install and run
- Eligible for Government Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) (Eligibility criteria apply)
- Eligible for VEECs (Victoria Only)

Call or visit our showroom today...
Call us on (03) 6265 2359 to find out more about Heat Pump Hot Water systems or come into our showroom at Shop 2/33 Cole Street, Sorell, Tasmania.